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  •   为了完成父亲的心愿,维克多(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)从故国乘坐飞机前往美国肯尼迪机场,但戏剧性的事情发生了:他被告知祖国发生政变,而他的身份证护照一一失效,同时他的签证也无法再使用。进退两难的维克多只有在机场滞留,等待新证件的办理。  但是,他在机场等待了整整9个月。在这9个月里面,他用机场的洗手间洗漱,在候机室睡觉,他已经学懂因地制宜,在机场照料自己的生活,甚至还找了一份建筑工地工作。然而维克多的邋遢晦气却招来了机场负责人弗兰克(史坦利•图齐 Stanley Tucci 饰)的不满,而恐怕更令他气愤妒忌的是,美丽的空姐艾米利亚(凯瑟琳•泽塔-琼斯 Catherine Zeta-Jones 饰)竟然爱上了维克多。处在甜蜜中的维克多,也在慢慢观察机场的人生百态,自得其乐。
  • 东南亚已经成为许多生物工程技术公司的庇护之地,在摩加迪休(索马里首都),一种高传染性病菌从研究中心扩散到人群,病毒迅速入侵人体并致人于狂躁,犹如僵尸般生吃未受感染的人,城市陷入了毁灭的境地,雇佣兵迈克尔`加特林受雇前往营救雇主的女儿,不断受到感染人群的死亡攻击,营救任务充满死亡气息??
  • 恐怖 
  • Inang

    Wulan, a supermarket employee, is abandoned by her irresponsible boyfriend after finding out about her early pregnancy. Wulan needs to take responsibility for herself and her unborn child. Wulan's desperation leads her to “Support Pregnancy” online group that claims as a pro-life volunteer. The group introduces Wulan to the wealthy Santoso family who wanted to adopt her unborn ...
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
      《賣笑女郎》講述三個女人的故事,雅采兒,康素和多明妮除了是同事並且每天一同過邊境到鄰國上班之外,她們之間並沒有什麼共通之處。為了在魯貝這邊能過上體面的生活,她們過境到另一邊的比利時賣淫,這雙重生活就是她們的秘密。夏季結束時,這三名女子為了互相支持而相約見面,正如抵抗軍會互相打氣一樣。  2020 年鹿特丹影展 — Voices 單元
  •   Margaret和Mark都被困在不断循环重复的一天,他们都以为只有自己被困住了,直到他们碰到彼此。他们试图制作一张地图,记录所有以前被他们所忽视的小确幸。期间,他们也不断地了解彼此,也找到了打破循环的方法。
  • 剧情 
      一个专门收容被大人殴打、虐待的孩子的收容所里的故事。 影片讲述了一个照看寄养中心孩子的年轻女人的故事,除了要面对孩子们所可能发生的危险事件之外,她还要面对自己的心魔。
  • 月孩

      Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to be their god: the Son of the Moon. David, a 12-year-old orphan who lives in Europe, learns about the prophecy and believes that he is the chosen child and that destiny must be fulfilled at any cost. Before David can fulfill his prophecy he must escape the heavily guarded scientific organization that has adopted him. David's strange behavior and the fact that he possesses extrasensory perception, has attracted the attention of an organization researching so-called "prodigious beings" in the occult tradition. David soon discovers that their goal is to channel the moon's energy into a child yet to be born, robbing him of his rightful place as the Son of the Moon. Two women, Victoria, a member of the center, and Georgina, the future mother of the supposed moonchild, will help David fulfill his destiny. After several attempts David manages to escape the center and undergoes a series of new experiences: love, adventure, supernatural events and even death. David is relentlessly pursued, pushing him further towards his goal, towards Africa where his fate awaits him.
  • 剧情 
  •   道林格雷(乔治·桑德斯 George Sanders 饰)是一个出生非常卑微的穷小子,在一次机缘巧合之下结识了著名画家巴兹尔(Lowell Gilmore 饰)和绅士亨利,在两人的引荐之下,道林格雷接触到了巴黎上流社交圈的奢靡生活,就此无法自拔。巴兹尔为道林格雷画了一副肖像画,将他美丽的身体描摹得栩栩如生,这幅画已经流入市场就引发了圈内各路人士的热烈讨论与赞美,道林格雷也就此成为了圈中名人。  之后,道林格雷邂逅了名为塞西莉亚(唐娜·里德 Donna Reed 饰)的女子,塞西莉亚是一位美丽的剧场演员,没过多久,两人就坠入了情网之中,决定邂逅步入婚姻的殿堂。当亨利得知道林格雷即将结婚的消息大为震惊,他用花言巧语诱骗道林格雷抛弃塞西莉亚,最终导致了他们两人感情的破裂。
  •   海伦(歌蒂·韩 Goldie Hawn 饰)和恩尼斯(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)是一对感情十分要好的情侣,海伦的好友梅德林(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)要在百老汇进行一场演出,两人遂携手一同前往观看。没想到梅德林居然对英俊帅气的恩尼斯搔首弄姿,之后更是插足于两人之间横刀夺爱。  同时失去了好友和爱人,海伦悲伤又愤怒,对人生失去希望的她暴饮暴食,很快就变成了一个人人见而避之的肥婆。不要用别人的错误惩罚自己,明白了这个道理,海伦开始发愤图强,她不仅恢复了曾经的姣好身材,更出版了描写期间心路历程的新书。海伦的改变让生活并不如意的恩尼斯重燃了旧情,梅德林坐不住了,为了和昔日好友一决高下,她开始向邪恶的女巫寻求帮助。
  •   剧集讲述女主(Margarita Levieva饰)正与女儿在欧洲度假,此时CIA的出现迫使她面对自己隐藏已久的KGB身份。过去俄国进行秘密实验时令到一些KGB拥有特殊力量,而一连串与此能力有关的死亡事件发生令女主不能再躲避起来,但是对付这名凶徒的代价是她可能失去家人及新生活。
  • 恐怖 
    Set in the scenic Sila plateau in Italy’s Southern Calabria region, “Home Education” revolves around a family that are followers of an esoteric cult and live in a secluded house deep in the woods.
  •   Plebs is described as "a thoroughly modern comedy in an ancient setting."  Rome is traditionally imagined as the home of emperors and senators, generals and gladiators, a dignified theatre of pomp and ceremony. But what about the little guys, the wasters - new to the big city, stuck in office jobs, unable to get the girls?  Plebs follows three desperate young men from the suburbs as they try to get laid, hold down jobs and climb the social ladder in the big city - a city that happens to be Ancient Rome.  The show focuses on Marcus, Stylax and their lazy slave with an attitude problem, Grumio. There's also the boys' ruthless boss, Flavia - an expert manipulator with a private life that's the stuff of legend.    Unlikely to be immortalised in the annals or memorialised in a frieze, Marcus, Stylax and Grumio are essentially just a bunch of Plebs.    And whether they're wearing togas, or skinny jeans, desperate young men in any period of history are essentially cut from the same cloth...
  •   Wulan, a supermarket employee, is abandoned by her irresponsible boyfriend after finding out about her early pregnancy. Wulan needs to take responsibility for herself and her unborn child. Wulan's desperation leads her to “Support Pregnancy” online group that claims as a pro-life volunteer. The group introduces Wulan to the wealthy Santoso family who wanted to adopt her unborn child and takecare of her pregnancy in their house. During her stay, eerie circumstances slowly unfolds as Wulan begins to witness the Santosos’ strange and unusual behaviors with their traditional Javanese occult belief. Little that she knows, the Santoso family has a sinister plan for Wulan and her unborn child.
  • 美国 
    历史原型:   阿莱克·杰弗里斯爵士,FRS(Sir Alec John Jeffreys,1950年1月9日-,出生于牛津)是一位英国遗传学家,最早的DNA指纹分析及DNA特征测定技术发展者。其技术首次在1983到1986年间的谋杀案应用,使嫌犯柯林·皮区佛克(Colin Pitchfork)因DNA证据而被定罪。   科林·皮奇福克(Colin Pitchfork,1961年-,出生于英国马基特德雷顿什罗普郡)是第一位因DNA指纹分析证据而遭逮捕定罪的嫌疑犯。皮区福克分别于1983年11月21日以及1986年7月31日,强奸并谋杀了两名女孩。他在1987年9月19日被逮捕,并于1988年1月22日承认罪行,判处无期徒刑。   1983年11月21日,莱斯特郡乡间的那柏如(Narborough)15岁的女孩琳达·曼恩(Lynda Mann)出门前往拜访朋友而没...
  • 喜剧 
  • 美国 
    When a botched potions experiment leaves Mildred with a whole new look, can she complete three impossible challenges and reverse the spell before the sun goes down?