
  • 剧情 
    1940年代,法西斯德国统治下的罗马尼亚,游击队和反法西斯抵抗组织不断袭击敌人的码头、车站和桥梁。前线吃紧,统治者却找不到向前方运送军火的船长。此时,抵抗组织却因缺乏武器而苦恼,地下党员托玛(彼得勒斯库 饰)为了从敌人手中搞到大批军火,混入码头囚犯队伍,以期登上运军火的轮船。新婚的船长米哈依(弗拉比耶 饰)是一个疾恶如仇的爱国者,他的妻子安娜(吉欧莱依 饰)美丽善良。托玛被米哈依选中做水手,运送军火去前线。在船上,他们合伙干掉了押送军火的德国兵,排除漂流在多瑙河上恐怖的水雷,把武器运送给游击队。战斗中,米哈依不幸牺牲,临终前握着托玛的手叮嘱道“安娜是个好姑娘,你要好好照顾她......”
  • 喜剧 
  • 喜剧 
  • 望夫石

    《望夫石》(La Pierre de l'attente,1991),陳英雄一部21分鐘的短片,曾經獲得1992年里爾國際電影節(Lille International Short and Documentary Film Festival)評審團大獎
  •   Jade是一个被硫酸烧伤的年轻妈妈——她的脸在完成了重建手术之后还是留下了难以消除的疤痕,经历了内心的崩溃和人际关系的破裂后,她采取了比较极端的方式试图挽回曾经正常的生活。
  • 转向风

    瑞士导演贝蒂娜·奥波利执导新片[转向风](Le Vent Tourne,暂译)将于8月7日开拍。该片由梅兰妮·蒂埃里([舞女])、皮埃尔·德隆尚([湖畔的陌生人])、努诺·洛佩斯([圣乔治])主演。故事讲述一对夫妻,几年前接手了家中的农场,他们决心不惜一切代价保住土地。却因此使得两人的关系愈加不稳定。
  •   In this third installment of the 'Pusher' trilogy, we follow Milo (Zlatko Buric), the drug lord from the two first films. He is aging, he is planning his daughter's 25th birthday and his shipment of heroin turns out to be 10.000 pills of ecstasy. When Milo tries to sell the pills anyway, all Hell breaks loose. (Slavko Labovic).  - Written by larsthebellhop@ofir,dk
  •   非洲安哥拉共和國,一個家族三代女性,過去與現在交織的故事。納由拉為了尋找失蹤的丈夫深入戰場後失去音訊,留下女兒雅拉和祖母相依為命。數十年後,失去母親的雅拉長大成了一位叛逆的青少女,用饒舌歌抒發對社會的反叛與憤怒。某天晚上,一位戴著面具、手拿大刀的人入侵了她們家,這個突如其來的神秘入侵者,為原本平靜的生活起了漣漪。
  • 剧情 
      《望夫石》(La Pierre de l'attente,1991),陳英雄一部21分鐘的短片,曾經獲得1992年里爾國際電影節(Lille International Short and Documentary Film Festival)評審團大獎
  • 记录 
      2018年5月和6月,Jean Gabriel P_Riot与位于Ivry Sur Seine的一所高中的10名电影班学生合作,开展了一项将电影与政治结合起来的项目。学生们在摄像机前和摄像机后工作,重新布置罢工、抵抗和劳资纠纷的场景,这些电影可以追溯到20世纪60年代末到70年代末,包括让-卢克-戈达尔和阿兰-坦纳的电影。nos d_faites汇集了调查结果,并增加了采访,在采访中,导演询问学生他们刚刚表演的场景,关于“阶级”、“工会”和“政治参与”等概念,以及更广泛的社会背景。这是一个简单,但尖锐的设置,让观众一瞥年轻一代如何看待政治和过去的政治电影。这部影片还记录了导演试图激怒学生的企图。在导演和学生似乎处于平等地位的遭遇中,基于从未见过的导演更多类似于老师的提问,以及此时此刻对革命的思考:起义的表现反映了同样的情况。这会导致一个真实的发生吗?  In May and June 2018, Jean-Gabriel Périot collaborated with ten students in a film class at a high school in Ivry-sur-Seine on a project that unites cinema with politics. The students worked both in front of and behind the camera, restaging scenes of strikes, resistance, and labour disputes from films dating from the late 1960s to the late 1970s, including ones by Jean-Luc Godard and Alain Tanner. Nos défaites assembles the results, and adds interviews in which the director queries the students about the scenes they’ve just acted in, about such concepts as “class,” “labour union,” and “political engagement,” about wider social contexts. It’s a simple, yet trenchant setup, affording viewers a glimpse of how a younger generation sees politics and the political cinema of the past. The film also documents the director’s attempts to stir up the students. The conversations vary between encounters in which director and students seem on an equal footing, based on more teacher-like questioning by the never-visible director, and contemplations of revolution in the here and now: the performance of an uprising follows reflection upon the same. Could this lead to one happening for real?  回到1968年的电影时代,继续对重放从过去跳出来的电影节选的年轻人进行今天的采访,我们的失败描绘了我们当前与政治的关系。我们的失败,还是我们有足够的力量来面对今天的混乱?  By going back into the cinema of the 1968 era and going forward with present-day interviews of young people who replay excerpts of film s jumping out from the past, Our Defeats draw the portrait of our current relations with politics. Our Defeats, or do we keep enough forces to confront ourselves with the chaos of today?