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      Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the fathers discover the girls are missing something: a mother. To find her, they invite their girlfriends on vacation with a secret plan.
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    别名:Machuca 评点:小童星与大姐姐的故事.... 1973年,智利陆军司令奥古斯托皮诺切特在美国政府的暗中扶持下,带领海陆空三军及警察部队发动政变,合力推翻了阿连德总统领导下的社会主义政府。3000名左翼人士在政变中被杀,上百万阿连德支持者沦为政治犯或被迫流亡。阿连德总统也在战斗中牺牲,他的死标志着共产主义政权在智利的灭亡,并随后拉开了长达17年的军人独裁统治的黑暗序幕。 ;草莓脸儿冈萨罗(Mat iacute;as Quer 饰)生在一个中产阶级家庭,他就读于一所昂贵的私人学校,那里的孩子充满骄横之气,这让沉默羞涩的冈萨罗在里面显得格格不入。思想开放的神父兼校长大胆招收了几名来自贫穷棚户区的免费学生,在智利这个92%属于西班牙和印第安土著混血的国家,那些2%纯种的欧洲血统便形同贵族,所以这帮自觉高贵优渥的孩子自然看不起这几个外来户。平静的学校不再平静,有钱阶级与无钱阶级的矛盾逐渐升级。在不断的冲突中,穷人孩子马丘卡(Ariel Mateluna 饰)却与身处对立面的冈萨罗建立起了纯洁的友谊。 1973年9月11号政变爆发,共产主义在智利遭受极大挫败。贫困阶层首当其冲遭受冲击,平等人权和共产主义在这里成为一纸空文,独裁体制疯狂碾压每一个人的生活。冈萨罗与马丘卡脆弱的友情终于走到终点
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  • 篱之洞

      Joaquin de Paso’s gritty Mexican coming-of-age story The Hole In The Fence centres on a prestigious private boys’ school in Mexico where youngsters receive a tough physical, moral and religious training designed to turn them into tomorrow’s elite.
  • 438天

      On the eve of June 28th, 2011 Swedish journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson put everything at stake by illegally crossing the border from Somalia into Ethiopia. After months of research, planning and failed attempts, they were finally on their way to report on how the ruthless hunt for oil effected the population of the isolated and conflict-ridden Ogaden region. Five days later they lay wounded in the desert sand, shot and captured by the Ethiopian army. But when their initial reportage died, another story began. A story about lawlessness, propaganda and global politics. After a Kafkaesque trial they were sentenced to eleven years in prison for terrorism. And they were far from alone. Their cellmates were journalists, writers and politicians persecuted for not bowing down to dictatorship. Their reportage about oil was transformed into a story about ink, and their daily lives turned into a fight for survival inside the notorious Kality prison in Addis Ababa. Exposed to deadly ...
  • 恐怖 
      On the remote island of Chiloé in the late 19th century, an Indigenous girl named Rosa lives and works with her father on a farm. When the foreman brutally turns on Rosa’s father, she sets out for justice, seeking help from the king of a powerful organization of sorcerers.