
  • 记录 
  • 恐怖 
      Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Their days are black, their nights are blue, and their insatiable thirst for warm, bright-red blood compels the orphaned predators to roam the ill-lit streets of Paris in search of unsuspecting victims to sustain their unholy existence on Earth. However, danger lurks everywhere, and the city's sad, memory-laden cemeteries can only provide temporary refuge. Indeed, blood begets blood. Is there an end to the blood-stained sisters' tyranny?
  • 未知
      Umut, a young man who is mute but not deaf, finds out that his mother has been meeting with a stranger.
  • 喜剧 
      某恐怖片剪辑师,因观看太多恐怖电影而最终导致精神崩溃,自杀身亡。摄制组病急乱投医,连忙找来艺术片剪辑师艾德华•史文森(Johan Rudebeck 约翰•路德贝克 饰)前来救场。艾德华是一个工作严谨、经验老道且温文尔雅的电影工作者,他的任务是接替前任剪辑师将影片中几个极度血腥的镜头剪掉,以使该片顺利上映。  然而随着工作的进行,艾德华的举止开始变得怪异起来。头天晚上收拾好的房间第二天就变得乱七八糟,他的眼前也经常出现断肉残肢的恐怖画面,似乎一切正朝着恐怖疯狂的方向发展……
  • 动作 
      The epic adventures of the legendary Baran the Bandit following his release from prison. After serving 35 years, it is no surprise that the world has changed dramatically. Still, Baran can't help but be shocked to discover that his home village is now underwater thanks to the construction of a new dam. He then heads for Istanbul to get revenge upon his former best friend, the man who snitched on him and stole his lover Keje. Along the way, Baran teams up with Cumali, a tough young punk who finds the thief's old-fashioned ways rather quaint. When Cumali gets into deep trouble with a crime boss, Baran adds another vengeful task to his roster.
  • 喜剧 
      The unexpected disappearance of a young wife forced the protagonist to go to the police. The commissioner begins an investigation, and in the meantime, the local curate brings an allegedly repentant wife to the inconsolable husband.
  • 科幻 
      A rebellious teen placed in foster care suspects her father is not dead but has been abducted. She is determined to find out the truth with help from a UFO association.
  • 恐怖 
      No bloody slashers have ever before been made in Lithuania. Takashi Miike’s die-hardest fan Jonas Trukanas accomplished his dream and independently created an inventively ripping horror thriller with a minimal budget.  Bewitching from the first minutes, the dynamic chase builds a scary atmosphere of danger, fear and horror, while also clinging to luck and chance. “Be the hunters, not the prey,” the school mistress ironically wishes them on the graduation day, when the damnably awesome classmates follow the tradition of renting a cottage for a weekend to celebrate their graduation. They end up in the middle of nowhere for an ultimate prom party. Unfortunately, they make some terribly wrong and naive mistakes on the way.  There is no mobile coverage there, as you may expect in line with all the unwritten rules. A mysterious masked savage suddenly shows up with the intention of conducting a stylish massacre. One by one, graduates are barbarously punished and axed for cynicism, arrogance, jealousy, debauchery, blackmail, filthiness, hatred, slandering, and gossiping. So many bright hopes, future plans and promising careers destroyed in just one fateful night at an illegal rave. Only shy Marius is destined to survive and turn misfortune to fortune. But why is the ruthlessly slashing serial killer protecting him?  Sparked by local myths and legends (co-written with Titas Laucius, director of “Parade” from the First Feature Competition), inspired by beloved classical slashers and enriched by morbid ironic horror, the film unites whole gang of talented Lithuanian youngsters, led by Gabija Bargalaitė after her immersive debut in “Pilgrims” (Winner of Venetian “Orizzonti”). A small indie gem with hidden easter eggs and uncredited cameos.  源自:https://poff.ee/en/film/pensive/
  • 科幻 
      A nature field researcher is investigating the strange extinction of small animals and insects in the area, which indicates that something is wrong. His suspicions are soon to be proven right when he meets May, who lives in a cabin in the forest nearby. May says that her house is infested by small creatures that she thinks are mice or rats. When the couple search the house further, they notice that they're not rodents or insects. They are fast evolving lizards that have the appetite for animals and humans, no matter what size their prey are...
  • 恐怖 
  • 喜剧 
  • 喜剧 
      “导演"这两字是许多电影人追求的名衔,对于住在威斯康辛一处无名小镇的马克布察特而言,更是他一生最大的梦想。本片是由克里斯史密斯执导,记录马克为完成导演梦,出动全家大小、亲朋好友充当演员,加上他的信用卡和比尔叔叔借他的3000元,意图完成一部恐怖短片;    片中忠实记录马克对拍片的坚持和他个人的一些问题--包括酗酒、赌博和家庭失和等--观众可从中认识马克周遭的人物:亲爱的老妈、高龄八十二岁的叔叔和马克的一干演员朋友。这是一部关于一个人的野心、沈迷、和他追求个人理想的“美国梦"的忠实纪录片。
  • 爱情 
      西西(弗兰卡·波坦特 Franka Potente 饰)是一名性格十分内向,少言寡语的护士。虽然个性羞怯,但西西十分懂得如何照顾旁人,总是将她的耐心和爱心分享给周遭的朋友们,因此每个人都很喜欢这个可爱文静的姑娘。  一场意外中,小偷波多(本诺·福尔曼 Benno Fuehrmann 饰)驾车逃跑不巧撞到了正在过马路的西西,西西陷入了昏迷之中,性命垂危。在这个节骨眼上,是罪魁祸首波多果断而又机智的挽回了西西的性命,将她送进了医院。对于波多来说,西西只是他惊险刺激的人生里的一场小小的意外,可对于西西而言,她和波多的相遇犹如命中注定。康复后的西西踏上了寻找波多的旅途。
  • 剧情 
      该片的背景是1995年的波黑战争,和著名的《无主之地》应该是同一个时代。主要是一个老男人带着一个小孩子逃离战区的故事。    这部片子最大的看点是两位男主角的精彩演出,老戏骨Bob Hoskins将沙奇的狡猾,蛮横,慌张,温厚都演绎得丝丝入扣,饰演维拉多的小男孩则令人信服的诠释了一个老成而又不是天性的乱世孩童的形象。
  • 剧情 
  • 喜剧 
  • 剧情 
      阿马罗(盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔 Gael García Bernal 饰)是一名年轻的神父,他被教会派往一个偏僻的小村子,帮助在那里传教的神父本尼托(Sancho Gracia 饰)。谁知道本尼托早已经放弃了对上帝的信仰,他利用自己的身份,参与了替毒贩洗黑钱的行动牟取暴利,与此同时,他和寡妇桑嘉娜里(Angélica Aragón 饰)一直保持着肉体关系。  桑嘉娜里的女儿艾米丽(安娜·克劳迪亚·塔兰康 Ana Claudia Talancón 饰)是一名虔诚的信徒,她常常找阿马罗忏悔,久而久之,两人之间竟然擦出了爱的火花。一场意外让本尼托的所作所为濒临曝光的边缘,与此同时,艾米丽告诉阿马罗自己怀孕了,她天真的希望阿马罗能够放弃神职娶自己为妻。
  • 恐怖 
      此片改编自1979年出版的畅销恐怖小说『Ghost Story』, 作者是彼德. 史特劳博, 当时被誉为极具古典风的爱伦坡歌德文体, 书中描述的古典风格, 以及复古的'30年代场景, 让读者为之神往。而在1981年上映这部电影, 场景皆已完美呈现。此片也是好莱坞传奇的舞王: 佛雷亚斯坦(Fred Astaire)之遗作  四个从小一起长大的老头子, 在年轻时便组了「海鲜浓汤协会」,在冬天的夜晚聚在一起喝白兰地、四人轮流讲鬼故事,多年来不曾改变。但在某个冬夜,自从一件意外发生後, 四个老人便开始面临如同无底深渊似的恐惧。艾德华的儿子大卫身亡後,双胞胎弟弟唐尼返家安慰老父,当他回到这个冰天雪地的新英格兰小镇时,却面临了父亲也意外丧命的惨剧,重重疑云油然而起....唐尼认为这个四人团体, 并不是单纯说鬼故事而已,为了找出答案, 便代替父亲加入,他认为父兄的死, 及三位叔伯莫名的恐惧,跟他的前女友爱玛极其相关,他加入海鲜浓汤协会後, 必须付出什麽惨痛的代价?在这个阴风阵阵的冰天雪地小镇里,究竟藏着什麽秘密?
  • 动作 
      真人真事改编,讲述了南非大盗安德利·斯坦德的生平。80年代南非约汉尼斯堡一名白人警官斯坦德因为种族隔离政策成为众矢之的,走投无路的他竟成为恶名昭著的银行大盗,1983年间他所率领的逍遥帮派曾创下一天内抢劫四家银行的“辉煌”纪录……  《Stander》这部影片是以André Stander的真实故事为背景制作的,他原本是一个专门对付抢劫、凶杀的警长,最后却变为这个国家最声名狼藉的银行抢劫犯。在参与了一次血腥镇压暴动之后,他决定对其所在的警务系统进行挑衅,于是他开始了一系列疯狂大胆的犯罪行为。中午打劫银行,随即以警长的身份返回案发现场进行领导办案。最终被同在警局的同事抓获并被投入大牢。随后,在狱中,他结识了Allan Heyl 和 Lee McCall ,并一同越狱逃跑,随后组织了“Stander帮派”,并招揽了一大批抢劫犯,并随着时间一步步发展壮大。在公众的眼中,他们对于当权者的蔑视使他们成为了南非最有名的反政府英雄,而事实上,他们是这个国家最想逮捕归案的通缉犯。
  • 恐怖 
      After a serious accident in a closed cave only one person survives