
  • 怨望

      A chef with gambling problems flees to a Latin American villa where he assumes another man's identity.
  •   约书亚·菲尔茨·米尔本和瑞安·尼科迪默斯这对老友创立了一项极简主义运动,讲述一切从简如何能让我们的生活变得更好。
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
    近未来的某天,一场规模巨大的宇宙辐射风暴席卷地球。受辐射影响,地下场面的死尸纷纷复活,变成嗜血如命的恐怖僵尸。血雨腥风,地球顿成人间炼狱。经过许多年的抗争,人类渐渐占据主动,掌握摧毁、控制僵尸的办法。于是一家专营出售和租赁业务的僵尸公司应运而生。   威拉德镇,罗宾森一家终于成为最后一个拥有僵尸仆人的家庭。这个名叫Fido的僵尸悉心照顾怀孕的罗宾森夫人,帮助11岁的小男孩提米赶走欺负他的同学。与散漫且憎恨僵尸的罗宾森先生相比,Fido俨然是这个家中新的主人……   本片荣获2007年伦敦—加拿大电影节观众大奖、2007年温哥华影评人协会奖最佳女主角(Carrie-Anne Moss)、2007年加拿大导演公会最佳艺术设计奖、2007年法国奇幻影展最佳电影配乐和评审团大奖以及2007年里奥奖最佳摄影、最佳化妆、最佳配乐、最佳音效和最佳视效等大奖。
  • 喜剧 
    When Kate and Abby are mistaken for famous art thieves, their fun night out quickly goes from good to bad.
  •   Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life.  All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richardson) and Sten’s (Björn Kjellman) celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. But after a dirty text message and some failed acrobatic stunts on the balcony, the idyll has both cracked and ended up in the emergency room. Karin is forced to straighten out her back and realizes that she has spent her life taking care of her family without getting as much as a thank you. Together with her friends from the swimming pool, she finds new vitality at a weekly cooking class, where Peter Stormare’s star chef opens up for exciting new taste sensations. Tuesday Club is a well-acted and inspiring paean to struggling women, mature passion, and Asian cuisine.
  • 束胸

  • 动作 
      Written by Guillaume Renusson and Clément Peny, the story (which won the Audience Award for Best Screenplay for a First Feature Film at Angers’ European First Film Festival) revolves around Samuel who, in the aftermath of a recent tragedy, leaves to get away from it all in his chalet in the Italian Alps, a place of passage for migrants looking to cross the border between Italy and France. Samuel is nonplussed by the anger of those living in his village, who organise hunts in the mountains to track the migrants. One night, he comes across Chehreh who has fled her war-torn country for France. Faced with her distress, Samuel decides to help her make the crossing, telling himself it will only take a few hours.
  • 恐怖 
    An LGBT-themed horror film set in a rural town in the Philippines. A remote village is gripped with fear. Its residents are missing one by one. Now a young nurse is in town to care for an ailing Don Filipo. Will he be the next victim?
  • 尸体

      《搜索尸间线》是一部情节曲折的犯罪题材剧集,改编自司·斯潘塞别出心裁的图画小说。1890 年、1941 年、2023 年和 2053 年,同一具尸体在伦敦东区的恒盛巷被发现,每个时期都有一名侦探必须要对此进行调查。随着几十年来的联系越来越紧密,侦探们很快发现他们的调查是相互关联的,而一位神秘的政治领袖伊莱亚斯·曼尼斯(斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆饰)变得越来越重要。他是否参与了这起谋杀案?还是有更险恶的事情在作祟?为了解开这个谜团,我们的四名侦探必须以某种方式合作,揭开一个跨越 150 多年的阴谋。
  • 动作 
  • 剧情 
      利兹(詹妮弗·比尔斯 Jennifer Beals 饰)一直以来都饱受精神疾病的困扰,前不久才因为精神崩溃而被送进了医院,这会儿刚刚出院不久。除了精神痛苦外,利兹和儿子以及丈夫之间的关系也很紧张。儿子正值叛逆期,全身上下都笼罩着生人勿进的气场,而丈夫呢,一直以做音乐人为梦想的他已经很久没有收入了。  在这令利兹焦头烂额的节骨眼上,一个名为卡特琳(凯瑟琳·麦克纳马拉 Katherine McNamara 饰)的女孩敲响了利兹家的门,卡特琳声称自己是利兹丈夫和曾经的情人所生的私生女,在误打误撞之中,利兹不得不收留了这个女孩。随着时间的推移,利兹开始怀疑,这个女孩到底想要干嘛。
  • 悬日

      On the run from his former employer, a reluctant hitman seeks refuge in an isolated village where he is faced with events that test the true nature of his conscience.
  • 新学生

      Benoit, the new kid at school, is bullied by a gang of arrogant boys. Determined not to be pushed around, Benoit organizes a big party, but only three students turn up. What if this bunch of losers was to be the best gang ever? Korean Movie 23zzw.com
  •   鲁比罗丝饰演的女主贝拉是一个顽强而多愁善感的年轻女子,父亲的离世让她意外继承了一艘豪华游艇。夜晚,游艇被几名雇佣军劫持,面对退无可无退的境地,她不得不为生存而战,与敌人展开激烈斡旋。当猎物变成了猎手,她把武器转向入侵者,向他们一一开战……
  • 珍布

  • 剧情 
    THE GAME WARDEN is a surreal dark-comedy about the life of Dan, a Wildlife Officer who suffers from severe anxiety and grief after a bear attack claims the life of his son.
  • 大厨

    德高望重的亚历山大(让·雷诺 Jean Reno 饰)多年来一直是米其林餐厅的三星主厨,但是近来他的境遇却屡现危机。当下的法国料理界正是”分子料理”风靡,传统料理日渐衰落的时代,亚历山大所坚持的传统料理很有可能会在即将到来的星级评审中落败,餐厅的小开更是翘首以盼可以就此炒了他。正当亚历山大焦头烂额之时,一名名不见经传的小厨师杰克(迈克尔·扬 Michaël Youn 饰)出现了,杰克是亚历山大食谱的忠实追随者,却因对料理的狂热固执屡次失业,只好在养老院找了份油漆工作。一个偶然的机会,亚历山大让杰克到他的餐厅实习,杰克与生俱来的料理天分和另辟蹊径的烹调创意令亚历山大大为赏识,很快成为其左右手。星级评审越来越近,两位传统烹饪大师的合作能否在挑剔的”分子料理”派面前力挽狂澜呢?
  • 喜剧 
      After courting a woman called Vera for seven years, friends Jack and Leo decide to seclude themselves in the Vermont woods near her home, when she finally decides to accept a third man called Gideon.
  • 喜剧 