搜索“Ross ”相关结果

  • 精变者

  • 剧情 
      Lukas, a young farmer whose family is killed by savage raiders in the countryside, sets out on an epic quest for revenge, forming an unlikely molikan.com trio with a majestic dragon and a swashbuckling, sword-fighting mercenary, Darius.
  • 喜剧 
    两具僵尸不可思议地先后复活 ,他们决定找回失去的爱。但是他们没有意识到有一家公司正在追踪他们…   Two inexplicably coherent zombies awake amidst a zombie attack and decide to take a road trip to find the one’s lost love, unaware they are being chased by the agents of a ruthless company with it’s own agenda.
  • 动作 
  • Netflix的这部最新体育题材剧集追踪2023年NASCAR杯季后赛和冠军赛,跟随车手们在赛道上展开角逐,争夺赛车运动中最具传奇色彩的桂冠之一。该剧集将对诸多车手和车队进行大量独家采访,有里安·布莱尼、威廉·拜伦、罗斯·查斯顿、丹尼·哈姆林、布巴·华莱士、凯尔·拉森、克里斯托弗·贝尔、乔伊·洛加诺和泰勒·雷迪克出镜,将车迷带到幕后,见证赛道内外的精彩时刻,同时探索在世界最高水平的赛车锦标赛中争夺冠军时所面临的身体、精神和情感挑战。
  • 动作 
  •   In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world consequences, including the infamous “Pizzagate” case, the disinformation campaigns that influenced the 2016 presidential election, the Jade Helm conspiracy, and others. Drawing from exclusive verite access and interviews with a variety of experts, as well as purveyors and targets of misinformation, the documentary sheds light on how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment.
  • 欢愉

    尼基娅·泰伯格自编自导,基于她2013年执导的同名短片,讲述女主贝拉从瑞典一个小镇来到洛杉矶,追求她当色情明星的梦想,但实现目标的道路却远比她想象的要坎坷。   索菲亚·卡佩尔主演,除她之外剧组其他成员基本都是成人电影业内工作者。
  • 反杀

      A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thieves are caught by the owners of the house and then hunted across the estate for the proprietor's entertainment
  •   Dr. Tsu is a brilliant surgeon with her own exotic island off the coast of Manila. Using her sexy, all-girl army of martial-arts experts, Tsu kidnaps some of the world's greatest athletes. She is able to transplant any body part, so she uses the athletes for spare parts to sell to the world's richest men. Mike Harber is a womanizing, wise-cracking insurance investigator for Lloyd's of London sent to Manila to investigate the disappearance of a jai-alai player, and becomes involved with Dr. Tsu's mad mission.
  • 剧情 
      本片改编自罗伯特·哈里斯的国际畅销书。1938 年的秋天,欧洲正处于战争的边缘。阿道夫·希特勒准备入侵捷克斯洛伐克,内维尔·张伯伦政府拼命寻求和平解决方案。眼见局势升温,英国公务员休·莱格特和德国外交官保罗·冯·哈特曼前往慕尼黑参加紧急会议。随着谈判开始,这两位老友发现自己落入了政治诡计布下的巨网,正面临异常的危险。在全世界的注视下,战争能否避免?如果可以,需要付出什么代价?
  • 剧情 
      When Nicole Atkins returns to graduate school, a previous affair with a married professor is the last thing on her mind. However, someone else on campus has his eye on Nicole, someone who knows all her secrets.
  •   改编自屡获殊荣的传奇电视剧,是一部史诗级电影版续篇。在这部影片中,一个可怕的连环杀手在伦敦肆意横行,而才华横溢却声名狼藉的侦探约翰·路德(伊德里斯·艾尔巴饰)则被关在监狱里。由于未能抓住此刻对他落井下石的网络精神病患者,路德决定不惜一切代价越狱完成这项工作。这部电影的主演还包括辛西娅·艾莉佛、安迪·瑟金斯和德尔莫特·克劳利,德尔莫特·克劳利将再次饰演马丁·申克。
  • 动作 
    A Successful boxing trainer discovers that her boyfriend, A reigning champion, has been cheating on her with her own sister. She sets out to get revenge by training the one man capable of dethroning him: his arch-nemesis Kayden.
  •   当邪恶联盟的领导人威胁要摧毁一个叛军星球以获取其资源时,他的女儿别无选择,只能加入叛军一方,为正义而战。
  •   年轻的克莱(海登•克里斯滕森 饰)拥有数十亿的身家,但父亲的逝世对他的影响太大,他也讨厌母亲莉莉丝(莉娜•奥琳 饰)变得爱管制他。克莱也一直回避让母亲知道他与母亲助手萨曼莎(杰西卡•阿尔芭 饰)恋爱这件事。越是反对,越是反抗,最终他还是与心爱的萨曼莎结婚了。  克莱有严重的心脏病,心脏移植才能活命,无奈他的血型鲜有,待终于找到了适合的心脏时,他拒绝让世界级医生给他做手术,而是选择了自己的好朋友医生杰克(特伦斯•霍德华 饰),一个医疗事故缠身的医生。  手术准备开始,克莱以为自己已被麻醉,令他恐慌的是自己的意识竟如此清晰,甚至能感受到身体被剖开,只是身体完全不能动弹。他听到了医生们的谈话,竟然听到了杰克与萨曼莎之间的阴谋,伤心欲绝的他想着自己将要离世了,却在这时候看到了自己的母亲,母亲告诉他不能就此死去……
  • 恐怖 
  • 针脚

      小男孩汤姆(瑞恩·博克 Ryan Burke 饰)过生日,小伙伴们齐来祝贺,妈妈还特意请来一个蹩脚的小丑演员理查德·格林多(罗斯·诺贝尔 Ross Noble 饰)为大家表演。但是这个绰号“针(Stitches)”的小丑表演太糟糕了,接连遭到小伙伴们的嘲弄和笑话,更因孩子们的恶作剧惨死现场。6年后,至今依旧为当年的噩梦所困扰的汤姆(汤米·奈特 Tommy Knight 饰)迎来新的生日。派对当天,新朋旧友齐齐到来,当然小丑理查德也不会缺席。  传说一个小丑没完成表演就死去的话,他的灵魂永远也得不到安息。夜幕降临,汤姆再次经历了一个充满血浆和死亡的生日……
  • 魔童谣

      Two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing, and all the windows and doors in their home have vanished.
  •   SAS是英国一支特别作战部队,每一个成员都是万里挑一、斥资百万打造出来的。他们威猛强悍又反应机敏,在沉稳老练的汉诺带领下,担负着普通军警力不能及的特殊使命。SAS面临的挑战艰不可测。