
  • 未知
      Wheat has been a staple food of humanity, and a foundation of our diet, dating back to the first civilizations on Earth. Today, a growing segment of wheat products have become tainted, and people have taken up the task of finding out why.
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
      The story of L’Amour et les forêts revolves around Blanche. When she first crossed paths with Greg, she thought she’d found the one she’d been looking for. They quickly formed an attachment, but their relationship is marred by Greg’s quick temper. Blanche ignores her niggling doubts and distances herself from her family and twin sister, convinced that she’s reinventing herself. And little by little, she finds herself caught in the trap of a possessive and dangerous man. A man she’s too ashamed and frightened to report. Because there are only two possible exit routes from control: either the victim breaks free or they fall apart…
  • 爱情 
      安东尼娅(马吉莉塔·贝 Margherita Buy 饰)是一名专门研究治疗艾滋病的医生,她的丈夫在一场车祸中不幸丧生,爱人的死让安东尼娅陷入了悲痛和绝望之中,久久的无法从阴影中走出来。  让安东尼娅没有想到的是,丈夫生前竟然背叛了自己。实际上,他是一名同性恋者,有一个名叫迈克(斯蒂芬努·阿科西 Stefano Accorsi 饰)的情人。无法解开心结的安东尼娅决定去见一见迈克,很快,她便发现,迈克和很多同他一样的边缘人们一起居住在一幢公寓中,贫穷和疾病深深困扰着他们。安东尼娅选择了隐瞒自己的真实身份,因为她有更重要的事情要做。
  • 勾魂谷

      故事发生在第一次世界大战期间,英国联军和德军之间的战况日渐白热化,每天都有无数的士兵们含恨死去,年仅十六岁的莎士比亚(杰米·贝尔 Jamie Bell 饰)亦参与了这场战争,战场上伤痕累累的惨状给他的心灵蒙上了厚厚的阴影。  某日,莎士比亚和一干战友们正在进行一项突袭任务,就在大家凝神鼻息偷偷前进之时,一股不知从何而来的神秘烟雾将他们包围。之后,一行人来到了德军的战壕内,然而这里了无生气,有的只是一具具死相及其恐怖的尸体。这里究竟发生了什么?莎士比亚所在的连队继续前进,诡异的事情不断发生,连队中亦不断的有人丧命,莎士比亚隐约觉得,在前方等待着他们的正是地狱的入口。
  • 剧情 
      该片的背景是1995年的波黑战争,和著名的《无主之地》应该是同一个时代。主要是一个老男人带着一个小孩子逃离战区的故事。    这部片子最大的看点是两位男主角的精彩演出,老戏骨Bob Hoskins将沙奇的狡猾,蛮横,慌张,温厚都演绎得丝丝入扣,饰演维拉多的小男孩则令人信服的诠释了一个老成而又不是天性的乱世孩童的形象。
  • 剧情 
      In Buenos Aires, Exe (25) loses his
job and doesn’t want to look yet for another. His neighbourhood and friends are looking so strange as common to him. On the Internet he discovers Alf, a boy from Africa, who also has a sad job. Later, Alf also follows another guy, Archie, who escapes to the jungle. In the exotic context of the jungle’s vegetation, Archie follows the path of some ants to their nest. One of them goes out and on her path she founds Canh, a Philipinne guy who’s sitting over a big dirt mountain, he then goes down to his strange and beautiful city, and he also has a sad job.
  • 动作 
  • 欧美 
  • 剧情 
      During a trip to Sicily in 1920, Luigi Pirandello meets Onofrio Principato and Sebastiano Vella, two actors rehearsing a new show with the actors of their amateur dramatics. This meeting brings great surprises.
  • 记录 