
  • 女人帮

      Mia(刘玉玲 饰)、Zoe(弗兰西丝·奥康纳 Frances O'Connor 饰)、Juliet(米兰达·奥图 Miranda Otto 饰)和Caitlin(邦妮· 萨默维尔 Bonnie Somerville 饰)四个从在商业学校上学时起就是好朋友,她们的愿望是让一切尽在掌握。不仅仅是只身在男性世界中闯荡的聪慧女强人,更组成了一个牢不可破的团体!一个女性的“男士俱乐部”。她们相互扶持,共同分担着彼此的欢乐与痛苦。在媒体大鳄,金融、广告和出版业的巨头纷聚在光怪陆离、纸醉金迷的纽约城中打拼。每一日,她们都要例行的讨论分享大小事务,有公司的正式要闻,也有琐碎的家长里短。她们利用自身的聪明才智和幽默诙谐在交流中碰撞出的火花,解决个人生活及公事上的难题。无论是应付陷入困境的婚姻,解决诡计多端的同事,或是从纷乱嘈杂的生活......
  • 作呕

    Popstar Oliver Sim is the main guest of a talk-show that soon slides into a surreal journey of love, shame and blood. A three-part musical short.
  • 美国 
    Gay Mean Girls is coming of queer dramedy about how relationships shift as we redefine ourselves. Lucy Ching, prom committee member seeks to establish Gay Prom Royalty in an attempt to charm her best friend Miranda, a lesbian YouTuber.
  • 恐怖 
      Popstar Oliver Sim is the main guest of a talk-show that soon slides into a surreal journey of love, shame and blood. A three-part musical short.