
  • 剧情 
  • 喜剧 
      布里特妮·艾伦(海顿·潘妮蒂尔 Hayden Panettiere 饰)过着让女生们羡慕嫉妒的生活,她是学校啦啦队队长,同时是球队明星四分卫的女朋友。然而天不作美,艾伦的家庭突然发生重大变故,不得不从富人区搬到东洛杉矶的一个多民族工人阶级聚居区。远离欢呼和光鲜的艾伦花了很大力气适应新的生活,然而在学校里,她依然被大部分同学用怀疑的眼光打量,尤其是学校啦啦队队长卡米尔(索朗·诺尔斯 Solange Knowles 饰)。新的篮球比赛马上要开始了,为了在新学校里赢得地位,同时呛声她的敌人,艾伦决定在啦啦队上成为亮点,而卡米尔就是她的最大竞争对手……
  • 恐怖 
      The puppets battle their most powerful enemy yet as they protect their new master from the demon God that created the Secret of Life.
  • 访谈录

      如果说《想当年》是费里尼对少年时代的回忆,《八部半》是对他中年创作危机的记载,《罗马》是对他所爱的城市的礼赞,那么本片就是他对Cinecitta电影厂的颂歌。  影片将回忆、嘲讽、自省、幻想等元素融合在一起,让我们见识了镜头前后的各种人物。影片高潮是《甜蜜的生活》的重映把片中主角重新聚集一堂,颇有一点大师主掌央视《同一首歌》的味道。  第40届戛纳电影节(1987)  40周年奖  费德里科·费里尼  第13届凯撒奖(1988)  凯撒奖-最佳外国电影(提名)  费德里科·费里尼
  • 喜剧 
      It follows Ayef. She has no time for love because of her dream of becoming an animator. She meets Manny, and they agree to a convenient relationship that will expire on the month she is set to leave for Singapore.
  • 喜剧 
      黑金cp 两闺蜜重遇 忆往昔 旧情燃  只是当时已惘然 @亿万同人字幕分享
  • 两季

      Amid picturesque red dirt, blue sky, and green agave fields stands Dos Estaciones, a once-majestic tequila factory struggling to stay afloat. At the helm of the plant reigns Maria Garcia, heir to the family business and beacon to the townspeople she employs. To help oversee the company’s administration, Maria appoints an eager woman named Rafaela, whose vibrant presence generates much-needed hope in a home thirsty for a miracle. When a persistent plague and an unexpected flood cause irreversible damage, Maria is forced to do everything she can to save her community’s main source of economy and pride.