
  • 渐渐习惯了高中生活,曾经的中二病患者暗黑系少年富樫勇太(福山润 配音)无论从外表还是言行来看都已经变成无比正常的男孩了,只是也许命运有意开玩笑,让他的周围充斥着中二病患者或者潜在患者。首当其冲的就是中毒患者小鸟游六花(内田真礼 配音),她无时无刻不在做着各种无厘头且搞笑的事情。学姐五月七日茴香(浅仓幸美 配音)所创立的睡觉部也物以类聚,与小鸟游不遑多让的凸口早苗、外表温柔贤淑但有着强烈黑化欲望的丹生谷森夏(赤崎千夏 配音),可爱的少男少女们交织着校园生活的点点滴滴,上演了一个又一个有趣的小故事……  本片根据虎虎的漫画原著改编。
  • 美国 
    A documentary series that explores the furthest reaches of the internet and the people who frequent it, Dark Net provides a revealing and cautionary look inside a vast cyber netherworld rarely witnessed by most of us.
  •   Two parallel stories of Japanese and American WWII enemies play out on the island where they fought 60 years prior. They meet face-to-face for the first time and their adventures take them into the jungle where remnants of their fighting still remain untouched.