
  • 欧美 
      The first of a new experimental series in which Stephen Fry will be played by Hugh Laurie and Hugh Laurie will be played by Stephen Fry. The part of 'A Bit' will be played by And, and the part of 'Of' will be played by Paddy Ashdown. The BBC takes no responsibility for articles of clothing removed on the premises.
  • 欧美 
      When Timothy is called into his father's study for a word, it is revealed to him that he is the chosen one and he must set out to kill Pewnack the Destroyer, the Dark One, the Beast - who lives in Saffron Walden. The show closes with Hugh providing accompaniment on the piano as Stephen mixes up a 'Whisky Thunder'.
  • 欧美 
      A Bit of Fry & Laurie was a British television sketch comedy show, starring and written by Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, broadcast by the BBC between 1989 and 1995. Running for four series, it totalled 26 episodes (including a 35 minute special in 1987).  Series four (1995)  [edit]Episode 1  Guests: John Bird, Jane Booker  Sketches:  Grey and Hopeless  Guests Introduction  Blame  Charter  Jane's Poem (NOTE: Script appeared in first script book as Stephen's Poem, but the poem is the same, except the line about his wife dying is changed to Jane's grandfather being murdered.)  Smell  All We Gotta' Do (song; Laurie performed this song when he hosted "Saturday Night Live" in 2006)  Channel Changer  Wonderful Life  Cocktail Ending: Golden Meteorite  [edit]Episode 2  Guests: Fiona Gillies, Kevin McNally  Sketches:  Dog Hamper  Hugh's Bandage  Child Abuse  Guests Introduction  Going for Gold  I'm in love with Steffi Graf (song)  Lovers' Helper  Fascion  Avenger  Operational Criteria  Cocktail Ending: Long, Confident Suck  [edit]Episode 3  Guests: Imelda Staunton, Clive Mantle  Sketches:  Vox Pops  Guests Introduction  Barman  Interruptus  Little Girl (song)  Making Tea  For Some Reason Angry  Don't Be Dirty  Cocktail Ending: South Seas Vulvic Wart  [edit]Episode 4  Guests: Caroline Quentin, Patrick Barlow  Sketches:  Good Evening  Guests Introduction  Soccer School  Dalliard: Models  Hugh Interviewing Guests  The polite rap (song)  Head Gardener  Gelliant Gutfright("Flowers For Wendy")  Cocktail Ending: A Quick One With You, Stephen  [edit]Episode 5  Guests: Phyllida Law, Stephen Moore  Sketches:  Oprah Winfrey  Guests Introduction  Grand Prix  Tribunal  Red and Shiny  Pooch  Disgusting  Wasps  Cocktail Ending: Swinging Ballsack  [edit]Episode 6  Guests: None  Sketches:  Stolen Money  Young Tory of the Year  Variety  Gossiping Heads  Death Threat  What I Mind (Misunderstood) (Song)  Honda  The Duke of Northampton  Cocktail Ending: Silver Prostate  [edit]Episode 7  Guests: Janine Duvitski, Robert Daws  Sketches:  Guests Introduction  Religianto  Consent  Sophisticated Song (song)  Fast Monologue  Telephone Alert  Truancy  Cocktail Ending: A Modern Britain
  • 欧美 
      根据世界级英裔美籍著名幽默作家P.G.Wodehouse的系列作品改编,编剧Clive Exton同时也是ITV拳头剧《大侦探波罗》(Poirot)系列的主力编剧。主演史蒂芬·弗莱(Stephen Fry)和休·劳瑞(Hugh Laurie)均为剑桥出身,与爱玛·汤普森(Emma Thompson)等当年同在剑桥Footlights表演俱乐部演出(Monty Python主要成员也出身于此),两人均多才多艺,剑桥之后在电影、电视、广播领域长年合作。国内观众对这两位的印象可能主要来自Richard Curtis/Ben Elton编剧、罗温·艾金森(Rowan Atkinson)主演的《黑爵士》(Blackadder)系列。小说作者P.G. Wodehouse,通译沃德豪斯(1881-1975),英国小说家和喜剧作家。以塑造“绅士中的绅士”Jeeves这一形象而闻名,1955年入美国籍。《万能管家》中的主角是迷迷糊糊的英国绅士Bertie Wooster (其实就是个250)和他的聪明机灵、花样百出的男仆Jeeves,几乎每一个故事都是由主人荒唐的行为转变成不可收拾的困境,但是最后总是由男仆出人意料的机智解决。
  • 欧美 
      Bertie is back in New York and enamoured of portrait painter Gwladys Pendlebury but Aunt Agatha is not enamoured of the painting of her Bertie commissioned and she is even more annoyed when her wayward twin sons, charged to Bertie's care before being shipped off for colonial posts, give him the slip to pursue a cabaret singer. Tuppy Glossop arrives to sell his family recipe for cock-a-leekie to soup magnate Slingsby to finance his nuptials to Elizabeth but slimy ad man Lucius Pim steals Gwladys from Bertie and makes Aunt Agatha the unwitting face of Slingsby's soups on every billboard in New York.
  • 欧美 
      从19世纪到21世纪,从英国到全世界,狄更斯从未离开我们身边。普通读者惊叹维多利亚时代伦敦的奇妙,文艺读者为苦命小孤女掬一把同情泪,更有些读者喜欢扳着指头苦算男主和女主谁才是第一章某龙套的二舅的小姨子三十年前的私生子…… 作为BBC纪念狄更斯诞辰200周年特别节目,《荒凉百宝店》以《荒凉山庄(Bleak House)》和《老古玩店(The Old Curiosity Shop)》两部大作命名,片中各种狄更斯彩蛋更是遍地开花。  贾灵顿·莫再提一家四口经营着一家温馨的小店,危机和恶人却悄然逼近……他们能从流浪儿、神秘老妇、黑心律师和无处不在的各路奇葩中杀出一条血路,幸福生活下去吗?Secret-Past的姓氏难道真藏着什么神秘过往?债务人监狱中的死鹅与三十年前的婚礼有着怎样的联系?岁末年初,请和破烂熊英剧组一同戴上礼帽,睁大眼睛,走进这间荒凉百宝店!  注:本集为圣诞特别篇,正片共30分钟X三集,暂定2012年1月中旬播出。  角色简介:  贾灵顿·莫再提 Jedrington Secret-Past  老百宝店店主,幸福的一家之主,顾名思义也拥有不堪回首的身世……由英国著名笑星Robert Webb担纲。  康瑟多娃 Conceptiva  虽然暂时还没有很多娃,但深爱两个娃和丈夫的她绝对有志成为贤妻良母。脱下紧身套装,换上更紧身的蓬蓬裙,IT狂人中的Katherine Parkinson姐姐还是那么销魂。  维克多与维多利亚 Victor & Victoria  店主夫妇一对可爱的孩子,拥有让人过目不忘的名字…… 小演员Finlay Christie和Ambra Lily Keegan绝对是值得关注的新星。  马里法克斯·销金沃姆 Malifax Skulkingworm (圣诞特别篇)  人如其名,大律师“钻营虫”先生就是邪恶的化身。身材华丽,帽子伟岸,气势逼人,只有神奇的Stephen Fry大叔才能完美诠释这一牛人。
  • 欧美 
      我们合上双眼睡觉之后,就会来到一个叫做“梦境”的世界,就是“梦之王”(汤姆·斯图里奇 饰)建构人们内心恐惧和幻想的地方。但自从梦之王意外被掳走并禁锢了一个世纪,他的消失引发了一连串风波,将彻底改变梦境和人世。为了恢复秩序,梦之王必须游走两个世界,穿越时空,以纠正他长久以 来的种种错失。他一路上重新审视与昔日敌友的关系,还会遇上素昧平生的宇宙神祇和凡人。  《睡魔》改编自尼尔·盖曼所著的获奖热门DC漫画系列,由角色主导的 10 个史诗式章节情节丰富,神秘与黑暗幻想交织,深刻描绘梦之王的各个历险。本剧由尼尔·盖曼与节目统筹 艾伦·海因伯格及大卫·S·高耶联手开发及监制。
  • 欧美 
  • 未知
      《地球上的一年》是腾讯视频联手ITV、FOX NATION、ARD(德国广播电视台)联合出品,由Plimsoll制作的全新视角的野生动物蓝筹纪录片。Plimsoll曾经给BBC、Netflix、Apple+等制作过一系列的自然类纪录片,如《Tiny World》《水深火热的星球》等。
  • 喜剧 